Health and Nutrition to Keep Fit

Having a healthy diet is sometimes easy to say than to understand and follow. Its important to know how we eat for optimum nutrition and energy and then how to use it for your good health for the rest of your life.  Sometimes it is tempting to turn to less healthy food choices because they might be easy to get or prepare, or they satisfy a craving. But  making  simple changes to improve your diet is also not difficult . A little learning and planning can help you find a diet to fit your lifestyle, and maybe you can have some fun in the process.

How do you feel when you don’t have energy? The answer is simple , we say NO to life. On the contrary when we have healthy eating, nutrition power and energy , everything looks pleasant and we say YES to life.

Healthy nutritious eating doesn’t mean depriving your taste buds or losing your enjoyment of food. But if those foods are regularly not contributing to your health, then definitely you need to change your eating habits.

The Hippocrates rightly said,

 “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.”

This reminds us that we want the food we eat to contribute to our good health and we should include those things regularly and abundantly in our diet, which we call a balanced diet. The diet is the one that gives your body the nutrition it needs to function properly.



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