Improve your cardiovascular system by Garlic

Garlic benefits in cardiovascular system

Garlic benefits  our cardiovascular system by its anti-inflammatory properties and  also our  musculoskeletal system and respiratory system as well.

Cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes are the world’s biggest killers. High blood pressure or hypertension, is one of the most important drivers of these diseases. Human studies have found garlic supplementation to have a significant impact on reducing blood pressure in people with history of hypertension. Supplement doses must be fairly high to have these desired effects. The amount of allicin  needed for this effect  is equivalent to about four cloves of garlic per day.

In some instances, supplementation can be as effective as regular medications .

Garlic protects your heart

Garlic’s numerous beneficial cardiovascular effects are because of its  sulfur compounds, vitamin C, vitamin B6, selenium and manganese. Garlic is a very good source of vitamin C, the body’s primary antioxidant defender in all aqueous (water-soluble) areas, such as the bloodstream, where it protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation. Since it is the oxidized form of LDL cholesterol that initiates damage to blood vessel walls, garlic’s ability to reduce levels of oxidizing free radicals in the bloodstream which works in preventing cardiovascular disease. Garlic can lower Total and LDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol and triglycerides do not seem to be affected.

Garlic’s vitamin B6 helps prevent heart disease via another mechanism i.e. by  lowering levels of  homocysteine which can directly damage blood vessel walls.

If there’s one food that works in every possible way to keep your heart out of trouble, it’s garlic. It thins blood and keeps you safe from clot formation. It assists the flow of iron throughout the body. It helps lower blood pressure, controls blood sugar levels and lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol. Lastly, it also protects your heart from free radicals.

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